Between the 1 and 16th of July we sailed to Sankt Petersburg together with two other Scanmars (Mitralis and Nanaimo)

The route was planned at four occassions during the winter and spring.

We bought new paper charts from John Nurminen Marine and had them shipped to sweden, thay had great service and good prices.

We bought these charts.
Sea Chart Serie B. Helsingfors - Pargas
Sea Chart Serie A. Viborg - Helsingfors
Sea Chart Serie C. Åland

Russian 23000
Russian 23001
Russian 25004

Here is a powerpoint of what toAdministration to get, there is also a useful over wiev chart of russian sea charts.


We all had chart plotters in the cockpit (Raymarine RL80CRC and Garmin 420) with revisions from the latest and a couple of years old.

We stopped at these places:
1 July Kökar, we arrived from Ödkarbyviken on Åland 25 NM
2 July Jurmo 25 NM
3 July Hangö 47 NM
4 July Järvö 51 NM
5 July Äggskär 45 NM
6 July Aspö 48 NM
7 July Sankt Petersburg 108 NM

To see a presentation, please follow this LINK, select Bildspel at the upper left corner.